Velkommen til utstillingsrommet med demobeskrivelser av datasettkvalitet, som demonstrerer bruken av DQV-AP-NO!

DQV-AP-NO ⧉ er den norske applikasjonsprofil av Data Quality Vocabulary ⧉ fra W3C, for beskrivelse av kvalitet på datasett.

Tilbakemelding: Vennligst registrer eventuelle tilbakemeldinger som Github Issues ⧉.

Forbehold: Demoressursene tilgjengeliggjort via de enkelte utstillingsrommene er kun ment for demo- og testingsformål.

Resten av teksten er på engelsk


This showroom is meant to

  • demonstrate how to use DQV-AP-NO to describe data quality;

  • demonstrate some cross-references between data quality descriptions and other resources demonstrated in some of the other showrooms;

  • provide reusable, machine-readable data quality descriptions, for testing and demonstration purposes.

Disclaimer: The machine-readable demo data quality descriptions are meant for demo purposes only. They do not represent any real world phenomena at all. On the other hand, they are supposed to syntactically conform to DCAT-AP-NO.

Demo resources in this showroom

In this showroom we have a demo dataset with a set of quality measurements and quality annotations:

Some cross-references with other demo resources

Note: Not all possible cross-references are demonstrated in this showroom. The lists are thus not exhaustive.

Data quality descriptions and classifications, for example:

  • In order to have common understanding of the quality (sub)dimensions and quality metrics, there are a set of predefined quality (sub)dimensions published in the controlled vocabulary Quality (sub)dimension ⧉, and a set of predefined quality metrics published in the controlled vocabulary Quality metric ⧉.

  • Quality descriptions may therefore refer to the predefined categories of quality (sub)dimensions and quality metrics, as explained above.

Data quality descriptions and concepts, for example:

  • The predefined quality (sub)dimensions and the predefined quality metrics that quality descriptions refer to, are concepts.

Data quality descriptions and datasets, for example:

  • Data quality descriptions are about the quality of datasets and referred to from descriptions of datasets.

to the overview of the showrooms