Velkommen til utstillingsrommet med noen basis/generiske dummyressurser!

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Forbehold: Demoressursene tilgjengeliggjort via de enkelte utstillingsrommene er kun ment for demo- og testingsformål.

Resten av teksten er kun på engelsk.


This showroom is meant to

  • provide dummy assets as reusable, machine-readable RDF Turtle resources, to be referred to in e.g. examples/tests.

Why dummy assets?

When testing or demonstrating your implementation of a given specification, you may often need to refer to instances of specific classes. You may of course use, however, such a reference will usually cause validation errors because the instance you refer to doesn’t exist.

We provide therefore in this showroom a number of generic dummy assets which you can refer to in e.g. your test implementations. "Dummy" because We have filled the assets with dummy data, such that they hopefully will validate correctly, though only in accordance with the Norwegian national specifications that are demonstrated in the other showrooms here. "Generic" because the assets will not necessarily contain value for all optional properties that are only specific for a particular specification.

Dummy resources in this showroom

There are mainly the following types of dummy-assets provided here in this showroom:

  • Agents, Organizations, Public Organizations etc.: In this collection of dummy assets, we have dummy instances of the following classes:

    • Agent, foaf:Agent

    • Organization, org:Organization

    • Public organization, cp:PublicOrganisation

  • Contact points: In this collection of dummy assets, we have dummy instances of the following classes:

    • Contact point, cv:ContactPoint

    • Group, vcard:Group

    • Organization, vcard:Organization

  • Datasets, Dataset series, Distributions, Data services, Catalogs etc.: In this collection of dummy assets, we have dummy instances of the following classes:

    • Catalog, dcat:Catalog

    • Dataset, dcat:Dataset

    • Dataset series, dcat:DatasetSeries

    • Distribution, dcat:Distribution

    • Data service, dcat:DataService

  • Documents, License documents, Standards etc.: In this collection of dummy assets, we have dummy instances of the following classes:

    • Document, foaf:Document

    • Standard, dct:Standard

    • License document, dct:LicenseDocument

    • Provenance statement, dct:ProvenanceStatement

    • Rights statement, dct:RightsStatement

  • Events, Life events, Business Events etc.: In this collection of dummy assets, we have dummy instances of the following classes:

    • Event, cv:Event

    • Life event, cv:LifeEvent

    • Business event, cv:BusinessEvent

  • Required Evidences, Evidence Type, Evidence Type List etc.: In this collection of dummy assets, we have dummy instances of the following classes:

    • Required Evidence, cpsvno:RequiredEvidence

    • Evidence type, cv:EvidenceType

    • Evidence type list, cv:EvidenceTypeList

  • Locations/addresses etc.: In this collection of dummy assets, we have dummy instances of the following classes:

    • Location, dct:Location

    • Address, locn:Address

  • Services, Public Services etc.: In this collection of dummy assets, we have dummy instances of the following classes:

    • Service, cpsvno:Service

    • Public Service, cpsv:PublicService

    • Possible (Service) Output, cpsvno:PossibleOutput

    • (Service) Channel, cv:Channel

  • Time periods, time entities etc.: In this collection of dummy assets, we have dummy instances of the following classes:

    • Period of time, dct:PeriodOfTime

    • Proper interval, time:ProperInterval

    • Temporal entity, time:TemporalEntity

    • Time instant, time:Instant

    • Date time description, time:DateTimeDescription

to the overview of the showrooms